The Power of Relocation Solutions in Corrections Staffing


Your recruiting team plays a crucial role as the face of your organization to the outside world. They tirelessly seek out talent, but they don’t create people; they merely discover them. However, what happens when your recruiting efforts hit a wall? Perhaps the local market is saturated, or you’re operating in a geographically isolated area. Fear not—there’s a game-changing strategy that can widen your candidate pool and efficiently fill vacancies: relocation solutions. In this article, we’ll explore how a well-structured relocation program can not only save costs but also attract top talent.

The Cost Conundrum

“But we can’t afford relocation assistance!” you might protest. Hold on—let’s examine this more closely. Surprisingly, the cost of a relocated candidate can be lower than that of a local candidate. How is this possible? To understand, let’s get acquainted with our ideal candidates.

Ideal Candidates

The individuals you’re targeting possess specific qualities: they’re motivated, community-minded, dedicated, and reliable. However, entry-level roles often don’t provide much financial flexibility. These candidates are passionate about contributing to their communities, but their budgets are tight.

Bridging the Gap

So, what stands between you and highly qualified candidates across the country? Often, it’s a matter of logistics. Imagine a talented candidate who needs to relocate for a job opportunity. They’re ready to make the move, but their budget is stretched thin. They require just a tank or two of gas and a place to rest their head until that first paycheck arrives. Unfortunately, putting down a security deposit on a new home and buying groceries isn’t feasible until they receive their earnings.

The Carrot and the Stick

Enter the concept of the “carrot and the stick.” When candidates are relocated for a job, providing tangible support during their initial 90 days of employment significantly increases their likelihood of staying with your organization. But there’s more: candidates who accept relocation assistance also sign a contract committing to stay for a specific period. This commitment helps them avoid repaying the monetary cost of the relocation benefit.

Benefits of a Well-Structured Relocation Program

  1. Widening the Talent Pool: By offering relocation assistance, you tap into a broader pool of candidates. Suddenly, geographical limitations no longer hinder your search for exceptional talent.
  2. Cost Savings: As mentioned earlier, the overall cost of a relocated candidate can be lower than that of a local hire. Investing in relocation pays off in the long run.
  3. Employee Retention: When candidates feel supported during their transition, they’re more likely to remain committed to their new role. The stick (contractual commitment) reinforces this loyalty.
  4. Attracting Top Talent: A relocation program becomes a magnet for talent. Candidates appreciate the assistance, and word spreads—your organization cares about its employees.

Get Creative 

Do you have temporary onsite housing? Do you offer overnight housing during training? Is there a local hotel you can contract with for a decent monthly rate? It doesn’t have to be the Ritz. If you throw in a welcome gift of a grocery card and dinner at a local favorite you’ve started to create an environment that makes them not just want to come, but also to stay.  

A relocation program is not just a logistical offer, it’s a statement about the organization’s commitment to supporting its employees. This can significantly enhance the facility’s attractiveness as an employer. Candidates often see relocation assistance as a sign of a supportive and stable work environment, making them more inclined to commit long-term to the organization. 

How to get started 

By embracing relocation solutions, you can transform your recruitment strategy, moving from struggling to fill vacancies to attracting a wealth of qualified candidates ready to relocate and contribute to the organization’s success. If you’re struggling to get started, set up a meeting with us. We are happy to offer a free consultation and discuss relocation strategies we have seen work for facilities across the United States.  


Implementing a relocation solution may seem daunting, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. By providing practical support and fostering commitment, you not only fill vacancies efficiently but also build a stronger, more dedicated workforce.

Remember, your recruiting team doesn’t just find people—they shape the future of your organization. And with relocation solutions, that future becomes even brighter.

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